Thursday, 19 March 2015

31 Happy Days #19

My trip to Currys to get my laptop fixed didn't go how we planned it. If I'm to get a refund, I need to send it off to Toshiba first, and that will take 28 working days. The guy in the shop kept trying to blame me for downloading Steam, when it was the Toshiba software update that crashed my computer, and then refreshed my computer, again. Liberty has told me not to install anything on it, just what I need for revision, and then after my exams are finished install stuff and see if it breaks again then send it off. I'm already having trouble just installing avg on it. Then I got a phone call saying that my physio appointment has been moved two days later, so I have to stay here by myself for an extra two days and may not have the chance to visit the boyfriend. So today has been a bit of a disappointment.

The evening was much better though. Liberty and her other half took me out to Wing Wah - an all you can eat pan-Asian restaurant. We had Chinese for starters, went onto the Chinese main course, then the Indian main course, then had the most amazing pancakes for pudding. I was absolutely stuffed. Then Liberty came back to my house and we slobber out playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean because we couldn't move. It was fun :)

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