Wednesday, 11 March 2015

31 Happy Days #8-11

On Sunday I completely forgot to write my Happy Days post until I was already in bed. I planned to do a double post on Monday, which would have been hard anyway as I was having a really bad day, but was then made impossible by the sudden dying of my laptop. So on Monday I not only found out that I couldn't go to the London Marathon to support my Mother-out-law who is taking part, but I also found out I may not make it in time to see the boyfriend in a concert that he is performing at next term, and my computer stopped working just in time for my very busy week of getting my last two assignments finished. I have been looking forwards to the Marathon ever since Liberty, Charlie and I threw a penny in a random fountain wishing that the boyfriend's mum would have a place in it when we were there last year. It was supposed to be something for me to look forwards to at the end of my first (yes first) lot of exams. But I have an exam on both the Saturday and Monday, so can't justify going. I have been trying all week to fix my laptop, and have today resorted to refreshing it, meaning it has kept all my files, but I have to reinstall EVERYTHING. Including all the updates. Sigh.

It's been really hard to think of happy things for each day, but here we go.

#8 - the boyfriend made a good fry up for dinner.
#9 - finished the bulk of one of my assignments, meaning I just need to write it up neat and then I only have two to concentrate on for the rest of the week.
#10 - had a nice chat with Liberty.
#11- halfway through the last week of term.

I really had to think hard for those... I can't wait for this week to be over.

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